
Easily build Go queries in ObjectBox with the ObjectBox builder APIs. ObjectBox queries help you quickly find objects matching criteria you've specified.

Using queries is simple: from your entity's Box, call Query() with conditions as arguments:

query := box.Query(Device_.Location.HasPrefix("US-", false))
devices, err := query.Find()

Building queries

The query in the code above uses a function HasPrefix on a device location. Where does this come from? ObjectBox generates a Device_ struct for you to reference available properties conveniently. This also allows code completion in your IDE and avoids typos: correctness is checked at compile time (string based queries would only be checked at run-time).

Let's say you have the following entity defined in your package:

type Device struct {
	Id       uint64
	Name     string
	Location string
	Profile  uint32

Using this input, the ObjectBox code generator creates a variable Device_ in the same package:

var Device_ = struct {
	Id       *objectbox.PropertyUint64
	Name     *objectbox.PropertyString
	Location *objectbox.PropertyString
	Profile  *objectbox.PropertyUint32

You can use Device_ to construct type-specific conditions in place and combining them, forming the full query. The following example looks for devices located in the U. S. with profile number 42.

box.Query(Device_.Profile.Equals(42), Device_.Location.HasPrefix("US-", false))

Possibly, you can be more explicit by using the All function:

    Device_.Location.HasPrefix("US-", false),

While if you want to query objects that satisfy one of the given conditions, use the Any function:

    Device_.Name.Equals("Dev1", false),
    Device_.Name.Equals("Dev2", false),

In this example, the query selects devices named either "Dev1" or "Dev2".

You can obviously build up more complex queries by nesting Any and All conditions.

Reusing Queries and Parameters

If you frequently run a Query you should cache the Query object and re-use it. To make a Query more reusable you can change the values, or query parameters, of each condition you added even after the Query is built. Let's see how.

Assume we want to find a list of User with specific FirstName values. First, we build a regular Query with an equal() condition for FirstName. Because we have to pass an initial parameter value to equal() but plan to override it before running the Query later, we just pass an empty string:

var caseSensitive = false
var query = box.Query(User_.FirstName.Equals("", caseSensitive))

Now at some later point we want to actually run the Query. To set a value for the FirstName parameter we call setStringParams() on the Query and pass the FirstName property and the new parameter value:

query.SetStringParams(User_.FirstName, "Joe")
joes, _ := query.Find()


So you might already be wondering, what happens if you have more than one condition using the same property? For this purpose you can assign each condition an alias by calling Alias() right after specifying the condition:

var query = box.Query(
		User_.Age.GreaterThan().Alias("min age"),
		User_.Age.LessThan().Alias("max age"))
// Then use the alias when setting the parameter value
query.SetInt64Params(objectbox.Alias("min age"), 50)
query.SetInt64Params(objectbox.Alias("max age"), 100)

There's also an alternative, syntax for a aliases that makes it easier to maintain the code because it avoids repeating string constants:

var minAgeAlias = objectbox.Alias("min age")
var maxAgeAlias = objectbox.Alias("max age")
var query = box.Query(
// Then use the alias when setting the parameter value
query.SetInt64Params(minAgeAlias, 50)
query.SetInt64Params(maxAgeAlias, 100)

Limit, Offset, and Pagination

Sometimes you only need a subset of a query, for example the first 10 elements. This is especially helpful (and resourceful) when you have a high number of entities and you cannot limit the result using query conditions only. The built Query has .Offset() and .Limit() methods to help you do that

query := box.Query(User_.FirstName.Equals("Joe", false))
joes, err := query.Offset(10).Limit(5).Find()

Offset(n uint64): the first n results are skipped. Limit(n uint64): at most n results of this query are returned.

Ordering results

In addition to specifying conditions you can order the returned results:

query := box.Query(User_.FirstName.Equals("Joe", false), User_.Age.OrderDesc())
joes, err := query.Find()

You can combine multiple order parameters and options (some options are only available for certain data types, e.g. strings have case-sensitive ordering option), such as:

query := box.Query(
    User_.FirstName.Equals("Joe", false), 
    User_.LastName.OrderDesc(false), // caseSensitive bool argument
joes, err := query.Find()

Notable conditions/operators

In addition to expected conditions like Equals(), NotEquals(), GreaterThan() and LessThan() there are also conditions like:

  • Between() to filter for values that are between the given two (inclusive)

  • In() and NotIn() to filter for values that match any in the given set,

  • HasPrefix(), HasSuffix() and Contains() for extended String filtering.

Working with query results

You have a few options how to handle the results of a query:

  • Find() returns a slice of the matching objects,

  • FindIds()fetches just the IDs of the matching objects as a slice, which can be more efficient in case you don't need the whole object,

  • Remove() deletes all the matching objects from the database (in a single transaction),

  • Count() gives you the number of the objects that match the query,

  • Limit() and Offset() let you select just part of the result (e. g. for paging)

  • DescribeParams() is a utility function which returns a human-readable representation of the query.

Querying linked objects (relations)

After creating a relation between entities, you might want to add a query condition for a property that only exists in the related entity. In SQL this is solved using JOINs. ObjectBox provides query links instead. Let's see how this works using an example.

Assume there is a Person that can be associated with multiple Address entities:

//go:generate go run github.com/objectbox/objectbox-go/cmd/objectbox-gogen

type Person struct {
	Id       uint64
	Name     string
	Address  []*Address

type Address struct {
	Id     uint64
	Street string
	ZIP    string

To get a Person with a certain name that also lives on a specific street, we need to query the associated Address entities of a Person. To do this, use the Person_.Address.Link(cs ...Conditions) method of the generated Person_ variable to tell that the addresses relation should be queried and what conditions should be used to filter the addresses:

// get all Person objects named "Elmo" which have an address on "Sesame Street"
var query = BoxForPerson(ob).Query(
	Person_.name.Equals("Elmo", true),
	Person_.Address.Link(Address_.Street.Equals("Sesame Street", true)),
var elmosOnSesameStreet = query.Find()

What if we want to get a list of Address instead of Person? No problem, links are smart enough to know there's also an implicit relation in the opposite direction. Note the different box we're using here:

// get all Address objects on "Sesame Street" linked from a Person named "Elmo"
val builder = box.query().equal(Address_.Street, "Sesame Street")
var query = BoxForAddress(ob).Query(
    Address_.Street.Equals("Sesame Street", true),
	Person_.Address.Link(Person_.Name.Equals("Elmo", true)),
var addressesSesameStreetWithElmo = query.Find()


If you only want to return the values of a particular property and not a list of full objects you can use a PropertyQuery. After building a query, simply call query.Property(Property) . For example, instead of getting all Users, to just get their email addresses:

query := userBox.Query()
emails, err := query.Property(User_.Email).FindStrings(nil)

The returned items are not in any particular order, even if you did specify an order when building the query.

Handling null values

The argument to FindStrings() (and similar for other types) is a value to be used if the given field is nil in the database. By default, i.e. when you pass `nil` as the argument, these values are not returned. However, you can specify a replacement value to return if a property is null:

// includes 'unknown' instead of each null email
emails, err := userBox.Query().Property(User_.Email).FindStrings("unknown")

Distinct values

The property query can also only return distinct values:

pq := userBox.Query().Property(User_.FirstName)

// returns ['joe'] because by default, the case of strings is ignored.
err := pq.Distinct(true) // args: Distinct(value bool)
names := pq.FindStrings(nil)

// returns ['Joe', 'joe', 'JOE']
pq.DistinctString(true, true) // args: DistinctString(value, caseSensitive bool)
names = pq.FindStrings(nil)

Aggregating values

Property queries also offer aggregate functions to directly calculate the minimum, maximum, average, sum and count of all found (non-null) values:

  • Min() / MinDouble(): Finds the minimum value for the given property over all objects matching the query.

  • Max() / MaxFloat64(): Finds the maximum value.

  • Sum() / SumFloat64(): Calculates the sum of all values. Note: the integer version detects overflows and returns an error in that case.

  • Average() : Calculates the average (always a float64) of all values.

  • Count(): returns the number of results. This is faster than finding and getting the length of the result array. Can be combined with Distinct() to count only the number of distinct values.

Last updated

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